Lip Blush

Customized Lip Enhancement

Initial Session (including first touch ups) – $500 including sales tax
Touch Ups – starting at


Customized Brow Enhancement

Initial Session (including first touch up) – $500 including sales tax
Touch Ups – starting at


Customized Freckle Enhancement

Initial Session (including first touch up) – $250 including sales tax
Touch Ups – starting at $125

Brow Lamination

Transform your natural brows into perfectly styled and fluffy brows.

Service lasts 6-8 weeks


Brow Lamination & Tint

Transform your natural brows into perfectly styled and fluffy brows and had a tint to make them pop!

Service lasts 6-8 weeks



What is microblading?

A permanent makeup procedure where a small handheld tool is used to infuse pigment into the brow area. The strokes are delicate and meant to mimic natural brow hairs. Even though microblading is considered permanent makeup, it does fade over time. A yearly touch up is recommended to keep the color and shape fresh. 

How do I prep for my permanent makeup appointment?

1. Discontinue use of eyebrow growth serums 3+ months before (MICROBLADING)
2. Discontinue use of retinol, return-A, skin lighteners/brighteners, AHA’s and vitamin A 2+ weeks before 
3. No Botox (including lip flips) 2+ weeks before 
4. Do not tweeze wax or tint 2+ weeks before procedure (the more natural hair growth the better) (MICROBLADING)
5. No facials or face procedures (chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, laser, etc) 2+ weeks before 
6. No vitamin E, fish oil, CAFFEINE (yes coffee), ALCOHOL, pain relievers, and any other blood thinners 24-48 hours before!! Heavy bleeding during your appointment can have a very negative impact on your healed results. 
7. No acne, sun burn, or irritated skin on procedure area. 
8. Do not workout the day of procedure
9. Lip filler must be done 2 or more weeks before (LIP BLUSH)
10. Exfoliate and moisturize lips daily’s for a week before (LIP BLUSH)
11. Take antiviral medication for cold sore prone clients  a week prior (LIP BLUSH) 

Please do; hydrate internally and externally a week before apt. Lots of water and moisturizers!!

I have had my brows done before can you touch them up/fix them?

I take touch ups on other artists work and corrections on a case by case basis. Please email me pictures of your brows without makeup so we can discuss your options. All touch-ups on another artists work and corrections must be booked as an “initial” appointment. My touch up appointments are only for clients who had their original appointment with me. 

What will negatively affect the longevity of my brows?

1. Sun exposure/bed tanning will cause premature fading and possible color change (more gray). I suggest using a hat or sunscreen to protect your brows + using a towel over your face in the tanning bed
2. Oily skin can cause microblading strokes to blur or heal with a powdery appearance 
3. A high metabolism can speed up the rate at which the pigment is broken down 
4. Smoking 
5. Heavy bleeding during the procedure can affect your overall results. Although not entirely in your control it is important to follow my pre appointment suggestions. 
6. Not following aftercare instructions to the best of your ability 
7. Anemia + iron deficiency; your body may absorb the pigment more quickly
8. Using products with physical or chemical exfoliates on or near your brows 

What is lip blush? 

The process of infusing pigment into the skin to create a soft and natural makeup look. This is not meant to replace lipstick entirely, but to give some tint like color and definition. Resulting in clients feeling comfortable leaving the house in nothing but gloss.

What should I not do after my procedure?

1. Do not use any cleansing products containing chemical  or physical exfoliants on the procedure area (salicylic, lactic, AHA, glycolic, retinol, retin-A, etc)
2. Makeup removers can be a great substitute for a couple of weeks to cleanse face. This allows you more control and limits unwanted water and product from touching fresh permanent makeup. 
3. Avoid excessive sweating and heaving workouts for 10 days 
4. Use a clean/fresh pillowcase
5. Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 2 weeks. Even after your brows heal it is highly suggested to use sunscreen on permanent makeup, or cover your face with a towel, or use a hat!
6. No Botox, or face treatments (chemical peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, laser) for 2+ weeks after the procedure. After healed still always have your provider avoid your permanent makeup area. 
7. NO water on your brows for 14 days! Do your best and you can still wash any areas that are not directly surrounding your permanent makeup. 
8. Avoid sleeping directly on your face 
9. No saunas, hot tubs, steamy showers for 2 weeks
10. No facedown swimming in pools or lakes for 2 weeks 
11. Absolutely NO picking or scratching!!!!

Lip Aftercare Instructions 

1. Drink through a straw and avoid spicy food for 72 hours 
2. Blot lips every 10 minutes for 1 hour right after the procedure to reduce scabbing 
3. Keep lips moist with ointment for 7 days or until fully healed 
4. No picking or scratching 
5. Avoid all makeup, lotions, etc, on lips until they are fully healed 
6. Never touch lips with dirty hands 
7. Lips will fade 30-50% from the dark color seen during healing
8. Swelling will go down within 24 hours after the appointment

You are not a candidate for permanent makeup if you are/have;

1. Pregnant/breastfeeding (exceptions with doctors note)
2. Currently undergoing cancer treatment. It is suggest to be off of chemo/radiation for 6+ months 
3. Taking blood thinning medication or antibiotics 
4. A freshly tanned or sunburnt face 
5. Rosacea/eczema/psoriasis in the area you would like worked on. 
6. Currently using Accutane or have used it within the last year. 
7. Previous permanent makeup that isn’t faded enough (feel free to email me photos) 
8. A current fever blister or cold sore (LIP BLUSH CLIENTS)
9. If you are prone to cold sores you must take medication such as Valtrex or Zovirax prescribed by a doctor several days before, during, and after LIP BLUSH appointment.

How long will my permanent makeup last? 

After your initial appointment it is recommended to have a 6-10 week perfecting session to make any additional adjustments to color, symmetry and fill in any gaps or overly faded areas. It is then recommended to get a touch-up to keep color and shape fresh every 12-18 months. *Clients who are heavy bleeders or have very oily skin may need touch-ups more frequently (every 9+ months) If you choose to not get touch-ups your brows will fade away over time; typically 3-5 years. With modern day permanent makeup ink the color fades true to color + does NOT turn pink or blue over time.

Will I look normal afterward?

Generally clients have very minimal redness or subtle swelling, that subsides within a couple hours. Most people can go out and about directly after their appointment 

How long will the procedure take?

Microblading – The initial session is typically 2.5 hours give or take and the touch-up session is typically 1.5 hours give or take. 
Lip Blush – The initial session is typically 3 hours give or take and the touch-up session is typically 2 hours give or take

Does it hurt?

Everyone has a different pain tolerance but the average consensus is that it’s not particularly comfortable but it’s definitely manageable. I do a pre-procedure topical numbing for about 20 minutes and then use a secondary liquid numbing multiple times during the procedure, to keep my clients as comfortable as possible. I’m always willing to work at a slower pace if you need to take breaks. I’ve never had a client not be able to handle it or quit mid session, so overall I think it’s very tolerable!  

Do I need a consultation before my appointment?

Heirloom Ink Permanent Makeup does not offer in-person consultations. Please feel free to send any questions or pictures to my email or direct message over Instagram. 

What forms of payment do you accept?

Card, cash, Venmo, PayPal 

What is your cancellation policy?

Booking fees are NON-refundable (Saturday appointment booking fees are NON-transferable). Heirloom Ink Permanent Makeup operates on a scheduled appointment basis for Microblading, Freckles and Lip Blush services. Therefore, when canceling or rescheduling an appointment, the client is required to provide MORE than 48 hours’ notice to the scheduled time. Failure to do so shall result in the client being charged in FULL for that session. Arrival 15 minutes late of scheduled appointment time will result in forfeited appointment time and client will be charged in full. The client may use their paid in full credit towards 1 reschedule.

Still have questions, let chat! Message me on Instagram or Facebook, or click the links below!